

Balanced herbal combination, such as juniper, dandelion root, parsley, bearberry, and chamomile, which work as nutritional support for the entire urinary tract system, providing a rich source of sodium, potassium, manganese, iron, riboflavin and vitamin A. Some of the conditions that can be treated by Kidney Plus are the following:

  • Urinary tract infections
  • Ulcers
  • Kidney problems
  • Urinary inflammations
    • Unique combination of herbs such as the holy chamber, valerian, ginger, licorice, flaxseed, Zaragoza, milk thistle, dandelion, curly bustard, Cardano, Grape, and Oregon sen, to detoxify how to rebuild the liver, al At the same time. A congested liver causes other organs in the body to become stressed and deteriorated, the HL & ISF stops that vicious cycle and regenerates health. A healthy liver with significant mental health, high energy levels, and protection against improved health and good humor A toxic or overburdened liver can cause fatigue, depression, emotional ups and downs or illnesses, typical of it.


      2 Capsules twice a day with meals.


      It can be used for 3 months with excellent results, however, to completely rejuvenate the liver, and to obtain the best possible results it can be taken for up to 6 months continuously.